Общ семинар на катедри "Атомна физика" и "Теоретична физика"
Какво | Meeting |
Кога |
21 дек 2006 от 16:15 до 17:30 |
Къде | Семинар В44 |
Присъстващи | На семинара - всички интересуващи се., На мероприятието след семинара - само тези, които си носят нещо за консумиране :-) |
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Общ семинар на катедри "Атомна физика" и "Теоретична физика" - IceCube Detector
Нашият бивш колега от факултета Стоян Стоянов, който сега работи в Университета на Делауеар, ще разкаже за неутринния детектор IceCube, който е разположен в Антарктида и използва леда за детектиране на неутрината!
След семинара на същото място и в околните пространства ще се проведе традиционното коледно събиране на катедрата, този път съвместно с катедра "Теоретична физика".
Анотация на доклада:
IceCube Status, Performance, and Future
Stoyan Stoyanov
Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware
The IceCube Neutrino Detector is a neutrino telescope currently under construction at the South Pole. Like its predecessor, the Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA), IceCube is being constructed in deep Antarctic ice by deploying thousands of spherical optical sensors at depths between 1,450 and 2,450 meters. The sensors are deployed on "strings" of sixty modules each, into holes in the ice melted using a hot water drill.The main goal of the experiment is to detect neutrinos in the high energy range, spanning from 1011eV to about 1021 eV.
Unlike photons or charged particles, neutrinos can emerge from deep inside their sources and travel across the universe without interference. They are not deflected by interstellar magnetic fields and are not absorbed by intervening matter. However, this same trait makes cosmic neutrinos extremely difficult to detect; immense instruments are required to find them in sufficient numbers to trace their origin.
Antarctic polar ice has turned out to be an ideal medium for detecting neutrinos. It is exceptionally pure, transparent and free of radioactivity. A mile below the surface, blue light travels a hundred meters or more through the otherwise dark ice. Frozen in the ice, IceCube not only will be the largest and most durable particle detector, but a real bargain at just 25 cents per ton!
In my talk I will present an overview of the design, construction and deployment of the detector. I will talk also about the science which can be done with IceCube both from astronomical and particle physics point of view.