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Series of lectures "The Department of Atomic Physics abroad"

What Meeting
When 26 май 2008, 10:00 to
30 май 2008, 16:00
Where Lecture hall A315 of the Faculty of Physics
Contact Name Roumen Tsenov
Contact Email
Contact Phone +35928161264, +35928161850
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last modified 3 юни 2008, 13:47

Department of Atomic Physics abroad

The Department of Atomic Physics organizes a special series of lectures for the students of the Physics Faculty devoted to the 120th anniversary of the University of Sofia. We have invited as lecturers our renown colleagues that have studied and/or worked in the department and have been carrying research and teaching abroad. In the lectures they will tell us about the current state and perspectives in the field they work in. Special scientific seminars will be devoted to selected topics. 

The series is organized with the financial aid of the Swiss National Science Foundation through the SCOPES programme (Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland).

More information can be obtained from the event Web page (in Bulgarian).

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