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Computer (Monte Carlo) Simulations of Language Competition

Какво Meeting
Кога 8 мар 2007
от 10:00 до 11:05
Къде A315
Лице Ана Пройкова
E-mail за контакти anap@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Телефон за контакти 8161 828
Добавяне на събитието към календар vCal (Windows, Linux)
iCal (Mac OS X)
Последна промяна 5 март 2007, 19:37

Prof. Dietrich Stauffer, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Germany


Simulations of Physicists for competition between adult languages are reviewed since 2003. How many languages are spoken by how many people? How many languages are contained in various language families? How do language similarities decay with geographical distance, and what effect have natural boundaries?

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